When it comes to food safety, we uphold the highest standards. This includes certifications by independent auditors, including Primus Labs. Our products have complete traceability from the farm to the retail store or food service outlet. We use HACCP methodology to produce safe products for the consumer. Each CCP (Critical Control Points) is monitored at least hourly to validate controls. We use Good Manufacturing Practices to produce safe products according to FDA regulations. Our products are randomly, microbiologically tested to ensure product safety.
Traceability – All packages contain a farm code, harvest date, and packing data giving access to the complete history of the finished product.
We have a fully integrated farming, packing, and distribution system. There is no co-mingling of product; we use exclusive Santa Sweets varieties. Santa Sweets never uses outside growers or packers. Our products are packed to order, and shipped fresh every day.
Santa Sweets maintains the same rigorous food safety program in Mexico for our growing and packing operations as we do in the United States.
- Corporate level training program developed for all company food safety practitioners
- QA/Food Safety Site Manager at each location
- Ongoing training and reviews to continually enhance our food safety practices

Quality Assurance International (QAI), has certified our farm and packing facilities in all our locations. We are leaders in food, environmental, and worker safety and we incorporate many of our organic practices into our conventional production.
Where we grow: